If a property located in Portugal is rented out this income is subject to tax here even if the owner is not tax resident in Portugal. If the owner is not tax resident in Portugal then this income should also be included on his tax return in their home country. |
There is a specific tax category for rental income. However this category is more appropriate for long term rentals as the costs which are deductible are limited to those which the landlord is legally obliged to support. As such for short term rentals where mosts of the costs are incurred by the landlord the use of this category of income would result in a very substantial proportion of the owner's costs being considered non deductible even though a lot of these costs may be considered as legitimate costs.
Short term rentals should are taxable under schedule B of the tax code. Under this system the client has two options. They can either be taxed under the simplified regime in which their taxable income is based on 15% of the rentals received or on the real accounting profit. The later option requires not only that the client appoint a Certified Accountant but they also automatically go into the VAT system meaning that they must include 6% of VAT on their invoices. If the client opts for the simplified regime and their rentals are less than 10,000 Euros in the calendar year they are exempt from VAT.
If the client is non resident they are taxed at a flat rate of 25% of their taxable profit.
Short term rental premises must also be licensed by the local council irrespective of the tax option included above.
Telephone (Lisbon): +351 213 190 090
Telephone (Algarve): +351 289 369 194
Office: Av 5 de Outubro 72 4th Floor, Lisboa
E-mail: admin @ hkconsulting.pt
E-mail (Algarve): algarve @ hkconsulting.pt
Member of:We have worked with HK Consulting since 2010 and we have always been very satisfied with the work they deliver. It has been punctual and reliable information and we can recommend HK to anyone.
HK Consulting offers english speaking accountants in Portugal (Lisbon and Algarve). We also provide spanish speaking accountants, french speaking accountants and german speaking accountants in Portugal. HK Consulting provides services to three main types of customers: Individual Clients (To whom we can offer assistance with Non Habitual Residence Applications, Income tax returns, Property tax, Inheritance tax & Golden Permit programme). To established Companies (both portuguese and multinationals), we can do Payroll Services, Audit & Due dilligence, Investment Subsidy Applications, Tax and VAT representation, Non Habitual Residence Status and more). Our third focus area is Business Startups whom we can assist with Feasibility Studies and Business plans, Financial forecasts, Advice on Coporate Structures and company formation + a Registered Office Address.