We specialize in auditing small and medium size companies and the partner in charge of the audit is personally involved in the assignment.
We can provide audit services as we have partners (auditors registered with the Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas) who are entitled to audit both quoted and privately held companies.
In today´s environment an audit is an integral part of the success of a company and thus our reporting standards and procedures are of a high standard. We specialize in auditing small and medium size companies and the partner in charge of the audit is personally involved in the assignment.
We believe we are a unique alternative to the big four due to the added value we bring to our clients because of our integrity and independence as well as a high level of commitment to professional standards.
We can also provide due dilligence services where a client requires audit services required for a specific service.
We can assist in the preparation of accounts which are compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards when required.
For clients which are interested in audit and due dilligence services: Please contact Andrew Kennard by using the form below.
Do you have questions regarding Audit and Due Diligence Services or would you like to book a meeting?